St. Johns Boosters are responsible for the marquee signs at each entrance to our business district. These are available to announce local business and community events.
Please read below carefully for the marquee requirements before submitting the form:
Both members and non-members can submit events! However, to be eligible, you must either:
Be an active member of the St. Johns Boosters Business Association (marquee use is included in membership dues) OR
Be hosting a community-wide event that is open to the public. We have limited space for community events from non-members, and not all non-member events will be approved.
If you're not currently a member, consider renewing your membership or joining as a new member to take full advantage of this benefit.
The form below is ONLY for the digital marquee. To request placement on the physical/bridge marquee, please inquire via email by clicking here. As space and time to update the physical marquee are limited, priority will be given first to Boosters-sponsored events and then to member events. If approved, non-member placement requires a $50 donation to the organization. Active members can utilize one physical marquee event placement per year, and it must be for a large/major event (IE anniversary party, annual community event, sponsorship drive, etc.)
As an active member, you can submit as many events as you’d like for the digital marquee.
The marquee signs allow for up to 15 characters per row, this includes spaces and up to four rows (five available with special request.)
We need a two-week lead on all marquee postings. If your event date is within two weeks of your submission, we cannot guarantee it will be posted in time
The marquee cannot legally post about “Sales” so please only request for special events or other offerings.